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8 Ways To Get Rid Of Weight Gain

Book Review: Attract Your Ideal Weight: 8 Secrets of People Who Lose Weight and Keep It Off

peated attempts? I ponder these questions myself, frequently in fact. Well, this book seeks to uncover why.  wrote out what she has seen as 

Her theory is simple. If, for example, we look at successful people to learn how achieve greatness, and to wealthy people on how to manage money, and to organized people on how to manage our time, why don't we look too thin people on how to be at a healthy weight?   The author's premise is, then, that we need to dig into some of these behaviors to see how they might apply to others who are struggling. 

and happiness. Specifically, there are several key thought patterns and behaviors that need to be challenged. In what I think is probably one of the most important, secret #1 talks about self-identity and the importance of relinquishing the connection between your behaviors and who you are as a person. Once you can separate those, you can start to more easily change those behaviors while remaining true to yourself. 

e into manageable pieces, learning what your values are and aligning your life with those concepts, becoming more in-tune with your own body's cues, learning from failure instead of succumbing to it and taking full responsibility for your lifestyle and change.

The focus of this book is not to tell you what to do (most of you already know WHAT to do!). In that sense, it's not another diet book. The goal is to help you DO it. That is the hardest part. The mental component is so critical. meet your goals. How do we stop thinking about our weight and instead focus on being healthy and happy? These tips will get you there.

Overall, I strongly agree with all of the points the author makes.  It takes the focus off of food and calories and places it on motivations, internal cues, and WHY you are seeking change in the first place. Just the realization that you need to address these areas can be an amazing first step for someone struggling with yo-yo dieting and the feelings of failure.

The one drawback is that each section is rather short and leaves much more to be desired in the areas of education and learning how to apply the particular principle. For this reason, I would highly encourage anyone attempting to follow these steps to seek the guidance of a Dietitian or health coach to walk through this path with them to make sure you are applying each correctly. Additionally, the author's website has more materials and information that can be helpful as well.   But certainly, it is possible with these tips and some guidance.

To bring in my personal experience as a perspective, I am fortunate to be one of those people who rarely obsess about my weight. As I was reading this book I was able to pinpoint the different areas she mentions as tools I use in managing my weight without even thinking about it.   I was able to recognize that many of my motivations and WHYs of doing what I do are for reasons other than weight. Furthermore, I listen to my internal cues of hunger and fullness and understand what foods work for my body and what foods don't. I rarely eat past being full and I avoid foods that make me feel weighed down or bloated. That's not to say I don't have days where I eat terribly, but instead of feeling like a failure, I pick myself up and get back to my healthy lifestyle. I don't let minor setbacks ruin everything. As someone who has been following these guidelines somewhat subconsciously, it was educational to see it written down on paper in an easy to digest format. This will help me as a practitioner to be better able to educate others on following these same principles.

  Here's to a healthy holiday season and a successful, diet-free start to 2019!

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